::Ahlan Wa Sahlan::

::Wahai Pemilik Ilmu::

"The beauty of a woman is not in the clothes she wears, The figure she carries, or the way she combs her hairs. The beauty of a woman must be seen from her eyes. Because that is the doorway to her heart, The place where love resides. The beauty of a woman is not the facial mole, But true beauty in a woman is reflected in her soul. It is caring that she lovingly gives, The passion that she shows. The beauty of a woman, With passing years-only grows..."

Monday, May 28, 2012

I'm Not Afraid To Stand Alone

Bismillah wa hamdan syukran liLLAH. 
Ketika mencari 'sesuatu' untuk santapan rohani, saya bertemu dengan lirik lagu ini. Sangat menjentik sukma iman. Inspirasi yang lahir dari kisah seorang mukminah yang berdepan ujian hebat saat pertemuan antara dua akidah dan dua prinsip. Ketika itu terbukti siapa DIA dihati dan dalam diri kita. Allah.. Sesungguhnya dalam setiap laluan hari, dalam setiap detik masa, dalam setiap edaran darah, dalam setiap detak jantung, dalam setiap denyutan nadi dan dalam setiap helaan nafas, hakikatnya KITA TIDAK PERNAH BERSENDIRI. Maka, wahai diri dan saudara yang saya sayangi kerana Allah, jangan pernah biarkan rasa sendiri itu ada dalam diri dan hati. ^_^

I'm Not Afraid To Stand Alone by Native Deen

I am not afraid to stand alone
I am not afraid to stand alone
If Allah is by my side
I am not afraid to stand alone
Everything is gonna be alright
I am not afraid to stand alone
Going keep my head up high

I am not afraid to stand alone
If Allah is by my side
Everything is going be alright
Going to keep my head up high

Single mother raising her children
And Now she's a Muslim
Started praying and wearing a headscarf
It Was a healing for her heart

Struggling with no one to lean on
But with prayer she would be strong
Had a job but then she was laid off
Got a better education and it paid off

She was called for a job that she dreamed of
Close by, great pay -she was in love --
They brought her in -- told her shes the 1 pick
You got the job, but you gotta lose the outfit"

It's a tough position that you put me in
Cause look at my condition, and my two children
But I'll continue looking for a job again
Cause my faith and my religion I will never bend

I am not afraid to stand alone
I am not afraid to stand alone
If Allah is by my side
I am not afraid to stand alone
Everything is gonna be alright
I am not afraid to stand alone
Going keep my head up high

I am not afraid to stand alone
If Allah is by my side
Everything is going be alright
Going to keep my head up high

Peer pressure, they were insisting
And I was resisting
Some days.... I felt I would give in
Just wanted to fit in

I know.....when I'm praying and fasting'
They be teasing and laughing
So I called to my Lord for the power
For the strength every day, every hour...

one day there's a new Muslim teacher
Single mom and the people respect her
Just seeing.... her strength I get stronger
They can break my will no longer

You don't see me sweatin' when they're jokes cracking
Never see me cussing' with my pants saggin'
I aint never running Yo Im still standing,
sorry I aint jumping on your band wagon, cause...

I am not afraid to stand alone
I am not afraid to stand alone
If Allah is by my side
I am not afraid to stand alone
Everything is gonna be alright
I am not afraid to stand alone
Going keep my head up high

I am not afraid to stand alone
If Allah is by my side
Everything is going be alright
Going to keep my head up high

Now, I'm a tough one, who can bear their blows
The rest play dumb, they don't dare say no
Scared of being shunned, but its clear they know
I aint never gonna run, I aint scared no more....

Man, these sisters be resolute
Never stressed when the rest say they wasn't cute
And the get the respect of the other youth
Come best with the dress yo and thats the truth

These sisters are strong gonna hand it down
So me Im a brotha gotta stand my ground
No fear, Im tough Im the man in town
Peer pressure no more, its my planet now

Others may fall, but Im hold my own
With Allahs help I'll be strong as stone
And I'll be the one to let Al Islam be shown
Cause I am not afraid yo to stand alone

I am not afraid to stand alone
If Allah is by my side
I am not afraid to stand alone
Everything is gonna be alright
I am not afraid to stand alone
Going keep my head up high

I am not afraid to stand alone
If Allah is by my side
Everything is going be alright
Going to keep my head up high

~Mujahidah Solehah, Berjalan Merentas Hari, 
Mencari Makna Diri~

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::Mutiara Hadith::

::Mutiara Hadith::
Daripada Abu Hurairah r.a berkata: Seorang lelaki dari kalangan orang ansar telah datang mengadukan halnya kepada Rasulullah s.a.w. Ia berkata: Wahai Rasulullah! Aku sesungguhya mendengar perkataanmu dan aku sangat kagum dan hairan dengan keindahannya tetapi aku tidak dapat menghafalnya. Maka apa yang perlu aku lakukan? Maka sabda Nabi s.a.w: "Hendaklah engkau menggunakan tangan kananmu," sambil Baginda mengisyaratkan supaya ia menulis apa yang ia dengarkan". (H.R Tirmidzi)

::IAIN AR-RANIRY (2011/2013)::

Semester 7 (11/12)
INU 1001 Pendidikan Kewarganegaraan

INU 1004 Bahasa Indonesia

INU 3002 Ilmu Budaya Dasar

INK 3004 Matematika Dasar

INK 3007 Hadis

SYA 1009 Ilmu Hukum

SPH 3009 Asbab Ikhtilaf Al-Fuqaha

SPH 3010 Sosiologi Hukum

SPH 3011 Hukum Islam Di Indonesia
Semester Pendek (10/11)
SYA 7701 Filsafat Hukum Islam

SYA 7702 Praktikum

SYA 7703 Membahas Kitab Fiqh II

Semester 8 (11/12)

SYA 2007 Hukum Adat

SYA 4701 Ushul Fiqh II

SYA 4702 Hukum Islam Dan Masyarakat

SPH 4708 Ushul Fiqh Muqaranah I

SMI 4709 Epistomologi Perundang-Undangan I

SYA 6701 Ushul Fiqh III

SPH 6805 Epistomologi Perundang-Undangan II

SPH 6806 Ushul Fiqh Muqaranah II

SPH 6807 Syari’at Islam Di Aceh

SPH 6808 Takhrij Hadis

SPH 6809 Hukum Perkahwinan Di Indonesia


Semester 9 (11/12)

SYA 5702 Membahas Kitab Fiqh I

SPH 5803 Membahas Kitab Tafsir

SPH 5804 Muqaranah Mazhab Fil Jinayah

SPH 5805 Hukum Tata Negara

SPH 5806 Ilmu Falak

SPH 5809 Legal Drafting I

SPH 7804 Metode Penelitian Hukum

SPH 7806 Metode Ijtihad Kontemporer

SPH 7809 Legal Drafting II


Semester 10 (12/13)

SYA 8701 KPM

SYA 8702 Skripsi

SYA 8703 Ujian Komprehensif

:: KIPSAS 2008/2011 ::

Semester 4 (09/10)

ASU 2012 Qawaidh Fiqhiyah

ASU 2022 Pengantar Fiqh Islam

ASU 2073 Usul Fiqh

ASU 2102 Siyasah Syar'iyyah

ASU 2142 Al-'arabiyyah li al-syariyyah 1

ASU 2202 Undang-Undang Jenayah Perbandingan

ASU 2222 Undang-Undang Keluarga Perbandingan

ASU 2262 Bahasa Inggeris 3

KIP 2031 Halaqah Usrah 3

Semester 5 (10/11)

KIP 2041 Usrah II

ASU 2272 Bahasa Inggeris IV

ASU 2152 Al-Arabiyyah Li Al-Syar'iyah II

ASU 2083 Pentadbiran Harta Orang Islam

ASU 2232 Undang-Undang Syarikat & Perkongsian

ASU 2242 Undang-Undang Keterangan Perbandingan

ASU 2212 Undang-Undang Probet Perwarisan

ASU 2062 Fiqh Muamalat

Semester 6 (10/11)

ASU2052 Ayat & Hadith Ahkam

ASU2282 English For Law

ASU2122 Kaunseling Islam & Guaman Syari'e

ASU2132 Undang-Undang Prosedur Mal & Jenayah

ASU2252 Undang-Undang Acara Sivil & Jenayah

ASU2093 Ulum Al-Quran & Ulum Hadith

ASU2984 Kertas Projek

~Bicara Zahidah~

~Bicara Zahidah~
"Wahai Rabbi, Jika aku sujud kepadaMu kerana gerun dengan api nerakaMu, Maka bakarlah aku didalamnya. Dan jika aku sujud kepadaMu kerana tamakkan syurgaMu, Maka halanglah aku daripadanya. Tetapi jika aku sujud kepadaMu kerana kecintaanku kepadaMu, Maka kurniakanlah aku balasan yang besar. Izinkanlah aku melihat wajahMu Yang Maha Agung dan Mulia itu..."
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